Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Descartes Summary essays

Descartes Summary essays Introduction: Descartes: Meditations on First Philosophy 16th Century: emergence of modern philosophy : changes from Classical inheritance Descartes: certain that knowledge is possible : uses philosophy to show how knowledge is possible : figures knowledge is a Philosophical principle, not way of world organization knowledge: (a.k.a.: K) secure t come from empiracle world; philosophy is the only way to achieve it : provides foundation for science Meditations: written in Latin and French Part 1: gives us approach to what we will be reading in the Meditations... I observed with regard to philosophy, despite being cultivated by best minds, it certained no point that is undisputed or doubtful. Philosophy: provides blue print dealing with knowledge, in order to show flaws in theory of K Descartes: gathered the great minds of his times to contribute to his book Things that are disputable t rely on what anyone says. Doubt: pernicious, difficult to construct system of knowledge in climate of doubt Descartes: admits situation: any project of knowledge should be placed center stage to defeat... 20th C: Hana Arendt: says Descartes was first to conceptualize modern doubting... its invisible Modern Age: conceptual philosophy, article of wonder, things are amazing... : constructed ramifications of doubt Descartes: not interested in skepticism with philosophy : confronts question: are you mining knowledge? : says you must: make doubt center stage and defeat it : obsessed with questions: how do I know if I am awake? How do I know if I am dreaming or if this is reality? Knowledge: important, so natural sciences can continue without interf ...

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